'Hiswaqs Gis Mo Pec' (Klamath Indian) - Man Who Walks With Bigfoot
RPG is a crypto-communicator who travels the world looking for unknown animals with the help of known animals. He has a special interest in Bigfoot, which he believes are nomadic, relictual taxons of G-blackis that unlike man, have learned to live in harmony with the Earth. RPG's intention is to befriend the Sasquatch and bridge the gap between our cultures in hopes that their existence and wisdom will inspire better relations between humans and the natural world.
RPG gathered the knowledge of indigenous elders, animal communicators, trackers and animals themselves, which led him to believe one great truth - The universal language is telepathy and the only way to bridge the gap between species is to respect that truth.
RPG uses the collective wisdom of his mentors, solar-charged hydrogen-powered gear, play-based search techniques and the light of his heart (telepathy) to look for cyptids. When the student is ready the Sasquatch will appear - RPG trains as an ambassador for that day. Thank you for visiting and hit him up to share knowledge and/or go footin' with RPG.

"In the past, most scientific research was carried out by amateurs; and amateurs, by definition, are people who do something because they love it. But for the later part of the 19th century onwards, science has been increasingly professionalized. And although amateur naturalists and freelance inventors still exist, they have been marginalized."
- Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.
"What I take from the quote above - There are many of us enjoying the scientific method and no matter how we are scoffed at or blatently ignored - Never give up on our own experiemental method."
Play Shaman
We are here to 'shine' as the Sasquatch say, but in America, we live in a fear culture where main stream media works to distract and dissconnect us from each other and our own personal greatness. RPG can help you take your life back with an adventure in the woods that combines both play-based and plant-based approaches to personal growth.
Terrence McKenna - The Message
Terrence McKenna - The Stoned Ape Theory
Tony Robbins - Tips on Changing The Way You Feel
Inside The World's Best Kindergarden - ideas.ted.com
Animal Ambassador
We are born connected to the living world thru telepathy, but over time, our domestication conditions us to become visually, verbally and technologically dominant and our telepathic abilities fade. The good news is that anyone, of any age, can relearn the universal language of telepathy and reconnect to what Sasquatch call the 'All One.'
Val Heart and Friends - valheart.com
Anne Breytenbach - Diablo the Panther
Kathleen Odom - Speaking of Sasquatch
Tamarack Song - Journey To The Ancestral Self
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion (BANNED TED Talk)
RPG fell in love with cryptids in 5th grade when he observed a Sasquatch standing on a cliff above the highway in Maine. After that life changing experince, him and his brother became the Monster Brothers, and together they began devouring peoples supernatural stories, which led to ghost, alien, sea serpent and Bigfoot adventures around the world. RPG also rolls with the Supernatural Bigfoot Team that investigates Bigfoot stories that fall outside of the conventional paradigms of conservative footin'. The team is made up of pro-Squatcher Reggie Byrd, crypto-communicator RPG, and the real life Mulder and Scully: Greg and Dana NewKirk.
Monster Brothers - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC540O-EG98lgvrSpw57CLgQ
Matt Moneymaker - BFRO.com
Loren Coleman - Cryptozoology A to Z
Greg and Dana NewKirk - Planet Weird
Reggie Byrd - bluemountainbigfoot.com
Cliff Barackman - North American Bigfoot

Meeting the legendary Loren Coleman and exploring his International Cryptozoological Museum in Portland Maine.

Traveling the Rio Negro in pursuit of the Amazon's version of Bigfoot called Mapinguari.

Engaging thru play AKA Performing a Hornbill Dance in Borneo while scouting locations and searching for their version of Bigfoot called Batutut.

Reaching out to the Sasquatch with the light of my heart/telepathy in Whiskeytown California.

Working with camels in Morocco on Semester at Sea - Fall 97.

Exploring Sasquatch hot spots in Farmington New Mexico with BoBo and Brenda.

Footin' with Cliff Barackman and Chris Carter in Shingletown, CA where the temps got down to -11. It was the coldest place in the US for the two days we were there.

Making friends with Gray Jays at Crater Lake in southern Oregon as a guest of the Klamath Indians.

Footin' in Turner Maine where I had a Sasquatch experience with a combo of play, telepathy and organic apples. Fact: The talented Ranae Holland is holding the antlers on my head.